Thursday, October 4, 2012


After a several month hiatus from the independent movie scene, I am heading back into the game. I stand in the on-deck circle observing the pitcher and contemplating how I am going to handle my next at bat. Currently, I just completed a feature length romantic comedy that I'm very excited about but don't want to be rash in my decisions regarding its production. I also shot a short movie with my little boy as the lead character and am excited to get into editing that project.

Unfortunately I lost several hours or original footage from Devil's Vein, my horror movie shot in the woods this past March. I think the extreme cold made the camera do unfunny things and sadly with the hectic shooting schedule, we didn't have the luxury of examining the footage until after the shoot was over.

I feel my options are clear. One, I can ditch the effort. Not really an option. Too much has been put into it by cast and crew and myself and besides, it is too damn good to toss. Two, put it together with gaping holes in the plot and accept that it will be accepted as shit and drunken writing and editing. No, not really an option, just thought I'd toss it in there. Three, shoot with dummies and any available actors who are willing to do at the very least, voice-overs. My preference. It can be salvaged with 'a little help from friends.'

I am still ironing out my financial situation so I suppose I will pursue the latter option when the time is right. I'd prefer to do re-shoots but schedules might conflict or whatever so I think I might be able to pull it off with some voice-over work.

Regardless, I will soon tackle this and play out whatever options are afforded to me.

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