Friday, November 25, 2011

Here come the auditions...

Hello actors.

Auditions are sneaking up on us. I look forward to meeting you between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm on Monday, December 5.

Remember: Be natural. Deliver strong performance and HONOR silence when needed. Don't rush dialogue. Don't become the character as much as you allow the character to become you. Improvise dialogue if it helps deliver the best performance, just as long as it doesn't alter the response needed from the actor across from you. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing how each of you interpret the character you choose. I will cast who I feel is the most natural actors. If more deliver awesome dialogue than needed for this production, I will then resort to other criteria such as appearance, mannerisms, etc to make my final choices.

I look forward also to meeting potential crew members. I will be available from 2:30 until 4:00 on the afternoon of the auditions to meet and chat with you. Thanks for making plans to come out.

Let's get this horror flick done.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Auditions: Devil's Vein: Monday, December 5, 4-8pm

Check an earlier post for exact time and location of audition.

If you are auditioning for a role not included in the sides I sent out to potential cast members please just choose an actor, learn the dialogue and we'll go from there. It's not so much as who you wanna be at this point, it's how well you can deliver natural, believable dialogue. I will have a form to fill out on the night of the audition asking you to list your preferences in order that you would like to be considered. The more characters you choose, the better the odds you will land a role.

Don't forget, the role of Kathy has no dialogue at the moment but definitely a scream or two.

Even if you are would like to be considered for the role of Old Man Conners or Mr. Canton, please learn the dialogue of one of the other actors so I can see how you deliver the lines.

The role of Jake has very little dialogue. Again, please learn the lines of an actor I sent to all potential cast members.

At the moment I am leaning toward an early February shoot but that isn't carved in stone yet. I will know by audition evening of the exact shoot dates, bar a blizzard, of course.

I will post more as we go along. Stay tuned. Remember also that I need a boom holder and a general PA if you know of anyone interested in helping out and having a little fun.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Contacting Talent...

I will try to mail out script sides tomorrow to all interested cast potentials. Kind of organized my email today and placed all inquiries into their appropriate folder, etc. I struggled some today as I recollected a few things regarding my mother's passing. It was a high-low-low-high kind of day but I squeaked in a little creativity here and there and enjoyed several cups of coffee at two separate venues.

Auditions are creeping up on us, as is the production itself.

Gotta get it in gear.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Auditions: Devil's Vein

Auditions will be held from 4-8 pm, Monday, December 5, 2011, at French Fryz Restaurant in Arden at 2109 Hendersonville Rd. I plan to fill all roles from this audition. This is plenty of time for everyone to set aside 30 minutes or so and head out to a really cool restaurant, perhaps gets a bite to eat, go over your lines, and then audition. We will hold the actual audition in a private room within the restaurant.

In the following few days I will email out a few pages of the script to those who have contacted me interested in a role in this horror movie.

French Fryz is located near the intersection of Hendersonville Rd and Long Shoals. Driving from Asheville it is on the right side of the road. They serve one of the best hamburgers in the Asheville area and unbelievable milkshakes. Scout them out ahead of time and find out for yourself.

If you have further questions email me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Thanks for being patient during the most trying time of my life. After 2-weeks in the hospital my mother passed away 2 days ago. I love her with all my heart. She is missed so much. She helped so many people during her lifetime. I am grateful to her for all she taught me over the years. She always put herself second when it came to her loved ones. She would not want me to grieve though it is impossible not to. But I get some comfort knowing that she lives. I love you mother.

With that said I plan to honor her wishes by trying to get things rolling around Blue Volcano Productions.

I will email all you soon.

I deleted my old Facebook account and now have a new one. Please join me at

Hope to set up auditions and meetings soon.

Take care