Friday, November 25, 2011

Here come the auditions...

Hello actors.

Auditions are sneaking up on us. I look forward to meeting you between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm on Monday, December 5.

Remember: Be natural. Deliver strong performance and HONOR silence when needed. Don't rush dialogue. Don't become the character as much as you allow the character to become you. Improvise dialogue if it helps deliver the best performance, just as long as it doesn't alter the response needed from the actor across from you. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing how each of you interpret the character you choose. I will cast who I feel is the most natural actors. If more deliver awesome dialogue than needed for this production, I will then resort to other criteria such as appearance, mannerisms, etc to make my final choices.

I look forward also to meeting potential crew members. I will be available from 2:30 until 4:00 on the afternoon of the auditions to meet and chat with you. Thanks for making plans to come out.

Let's get this horror flick done.

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