Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just over 2 days before we begin...

Here it is already, around 9pm on Wednesday night. This coming Saturday the cast & crew of Devil's Vein will assemble at 9am, head to the cabin, rehearse and have a meeting at noon. Then at 12:30pm I head out with the core 6 to begin filming Devil's Vein, kicking off a 3-day film shoot.

I have scheduled little time to breathe during the production, realizing that this 3-day shoot won't afford us the time for a lot of casual conversations, elaborate shots setups, and casual food breaks as a team. It will be hustle, hustle. The cast will have times when they can relax, talk, eat, rest, or whatever between their scenes and the crew will be able to alternate at times.

We will not shoot all scenes during this 3-day shoot. Remaining will be a few minor shots that will take less than a day to capture. Practically none of the special effects will be shot during this weekend. The setup for each effect would take too long and since time is so valuable I plan to use it on the talent present and not a bunch of dummies, as in stunt double dummies for some of the actors.

My back is beginning to hurt somewhat and I'm very tired. I have a lot to do tomorrow and Friday. A lot. I'll be glad when I have a prep team to work with because I should be concentrating entirely on shots and aesthetics at this point in time. I definitely won't post again until after the shoot.

It's time to set sail.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Less than 3 weeks...

Today I got into gear and made progress on a stunt dummy double for the movie. I think 'she' will work just fine for the movie. Regarding a different matter, I had to cut a key actor from the cast today for lack of responding to requests regarding his availability for rehearsals. It was not really a tough decision even though we are less than 3 weeks from production because I had given every opportunity for this individual to contact me. He gave a great audition but failed to reassure my mind that he would be prepared on day one. I couldn't risk it. I have too many wonderful actors on this project to let any one person let them down.

We may now have a cabin for the movie. I checked it out briefly the other day but plan to walk some of the property in a day or two and take notes. I feel confident about this location.

I meet with an actor tomorrow regarding the role of Mr. Canton. I feel good about this lead.

I ordered an extra battery for the camera last night, and some master tapes, then today I ordered a couple of rolls of film stock for some of the flashback scenes to be captured on an older film camera. I think the contrast in appearance will be interesting for the movie.

I have a lot to do before March 3rd. I'm a little nervous. I mean, I have a LOT to do. I will be prepared to do each special effect once. If it doesn't fly, I will re-shoot it at a later date. I won't have time to re-shoot a shot over and over. Especially when you're dealing with blood. It's messy. It's time consuming.

It's late, I'm tired, but I will inevitably lie in bed and wonder how the hell I will get all this stuff done before March 3rd. A couple of day ago, I had to go to Greenville, today to Hendersonville, tomorrow to Asheville, the next day back to the cabin. How can I get things done when I'm running around all day. I really need an active pre-production crew to delegate some of these tasks too but don't have the budget.

Perhaps next time.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

First rehearsal.

Our first rehearsal is behind us. It went well. I shot some casual tripod footage of some of the rehearsal to include in our behind-the-scenes feature for our DVD. I wasn't too concerned with perfect delivery this afternoon. This was the first time the cast and crew had been present together in the same room so it was much about allowing each piece of the puzzle to discover and get comfortable with its place in the big picture alongside the other pieces. I include myself in that analogy. I too am but a small piece of the larger picture. Each piece is important. Each is needed to deliver this project across the finish line.

I appreciate everyone's willingness to set aside time from their busy lives to come together to create something - with me - with each other. The cast and crew of Devil's Vein is not merely a group of talented individuals but wonderful individuals too. I am honored to work beside them in this fascinating and challenging process.

I can't wait to progress down the tracks with them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

March 3rd gets closer...

Last night I made a prop bear trap for the movie. I will finish painting and aging it over the next few days. I still have to finish the prop machetes and knives also. They have been started but other things have drawn me away from their completion.

Today I've been a little depressed and unproductive. It happens sometimes. This evening I watched Finding Nemo with my wife and little boy and that lifted me a lot. I enjoy lying on the couch with my 2 favorite people in the world and just chilling. Little guy is sound asleep on our bed and Amy is at her computer doing business related work. It's a typical night for our household. We usually end the night watching an episode of something on Hulu, usually near midnight or after.

This Saturday is our first rehearsal and I'm excited about it. It will be nice having everyone in the same room discussing our movie. It's hard to believe that we will begin shooting footage one month from tomorrow. I have such high hopes for this movie. Anyone who hasn't checked out our bios on the website should drop what you're doing and go there now. We have lots of talent. Lots and lots of talent.

It concerns me somewhat that the last cabin location went down the tubes like brushing water in a late-night sink. Couldn't be helped. I have other leads that I am exploring but time is ticking so I have to nail down a location, like now.

What we need, what our production needs, is someone to step up to the plate with a substantial contribution that will ensure we have everything at our disposal to produce the best movie possible and to get Devil's Vein into the right hands at the end of the line. I take full responsibility for the screw-up with our IndieGoGo campaign. I thought I could ease my way into it since I was campaigning for 2 months or so. I didn't know that you HAD to have a donation within the first 3 days or they take you out of the general search meaning ONLY people with the actual link can donate. I had never used these sites before, always for the most part funding my own productions. This is so new to me. I should have done more homework and then I would have been prepared on day one of the campaign to send out links, advertise it, etc.

Regardless, we are where we are and it will go forward, produced, and sent out to distributors and film festivals. It will be a great little horror movie, no doubt. With a break here or there, it will get in the hands of someone who can move mountains.