Saturday, December 31, 2011

Props & stuff

Got an awesome machete/sickle today. I definitely think you'd feel somewhat insecure if you were in the woods and someone was stalking you with it with the intent of separating your head from the rest of your body.  I can't wait to bloody it up.

Got a couple more supporters locally but nothing more online. I noticed that most of the horror online are only raising between $200-$400 of their goals. Ouch. Is the economy really that bad? I'll be glad when the holidays are behind us. Near is the time when everyone who says they want to be part the project will have to take it seriously or step off. I'm moving forward. I only want serious individuals involved.

Thus far we have enjoyed a mild winter, perhaps it will remain that way for the rest of the season with only occasional blasts of winter. This week I will check out the campground where we plan to shoot to see if it meets our needs.

I'm about 99% certain that I have filled all roles but one - the ghostly girl. I have a couple of reels to watch and about 3 YouTube videos sent to me before I make final decisions. Tonight I'm chilling with pizza, popcorn, and an independent movie.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Products for sell on IndieGoGo & Ebay to help out Devil's Vein

In addition to the individuals who have purchased credits in our horror movie locally, I have also listed our movie on Ebay and have sold an associate producer credit there and expect many more sells. Our IndieGoGo has yet to produce anyone but that doesn't concern me much. It will happen. We need some momentum and I think we will pick up steam after the holidays. Anyone reading this please take the time to email friends, family, business owners you might know, Facebook it, Twitter it, etc. The more it is spread around, the buzzier the buzz.

If you want to have a cool end credit in this movie follow the link below and for $30 you get a copy of the completed movie on DVD and an associate producer credit.

If you want other options and/or perks visit and you will find great perks such T-shirts, movies, posters, various  credits, certificates, and more.

Don't feel shy about asking someone to contribute. They are getting some great things in return.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Scripts Sent

I posted something along these lines in our FB group but I'll pass it along to those of you who have yet to join or don't use FB. In part: I will go over it a time or two more but no major changes. I prefer you get comfortable with it in a general sense without memorizing it, more of a general context performance as opposed to a literal one. If there's typos forgive me. Thanks.

I still need to fill a few roles. Without at least the role of Mike filled I see no purpose in having a rehearsal as a couple of you mentioned so I am working on casting that very important role and hope to do so soon.

Another thing I will need from my cast is sizes of various attire: shirts, jeans, coats, shoes. Especially in the cases where things get bloody with your character .

That's about it. Merry Christmas.

Scripts go out today.

Today I will email scripts out then take off a few days to celebrate Christmas with the family. On Monday I will get back to business. I now have to break the script down into a shooting script and compile my prop list so I can start buying what I need. I've already begun experimenting with shots that require special effects and blood. I won't go the CGI route. Never really cared for CGI. I will however determine which shots I can put off until after the 3-day shoot. Some shots, especially close-ups, and shots with stunt dummy doubles, can be acquired long after the actors have gone home and moved on to other projects. That way I don't have to spend a lot of time trying to get a particular shot right.

I'm excited about delving right in and getting this thing done. I think after we get over the end of the year hump, the new year will flash by at the blink of an eye so production day will arrive quickly. There's a lot to do. Lots of preparation. So much fun.

Okay, I have a few presents to wrap.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Live on IndieGoGo!

Hey guys. We are live at IndieGoGO. Click here to view:

Help us out, check us out. It's a tough economy out there so we need some really great word-of-mouth to get this campaign going. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Devil's Vein team grows!

I am still seeking potential cast members to fill roles mentioned in previous post. Please spread the word.

All of the talent that I asked to be in Devil's Vein have accepted my offer to be in the movie. I am so very blessed and excited to have each of them on this production. To be successful at an independent movie, you have to have a group of individuals who are team players and I believe I thus far have just that. Each seems to have a genuine love of independent movie-making and not just a dabble approach as I call it, you know, someone who thinks it would be 'cool' to be in a movie but then freaks when they realize that it is actually work and run back to the grind of punching some time clock. Hard work, indeed. Filming the first week of March in North Carolina will be challenging. It will be cold, potentially raining or sleeting or snowing. Who knows. But it will be endless fun. I get so pumped when I think of jumping into the principal photography and working at a feverish pace for 3 long days with a group of talented and beautiful individuals who strive toward that collaborative goal. It's a rush. And in the end, it is so freaking rewarding, when you hold that DVD in your hand.

And then comes the loneliness of editing. God, I always get so depressed when the cast and crew split and I'm left alone with my Mac. Editing is a direct contrast to the principal photography, where the sense of camaraderie is overwhelming on a production like this. But then I get in a groove and get intoxicated by the process. From A to Z, it's a wonderful journey. I wouldn't change a thing.

Thanks to all who have committed. I want to read though the script one more time tomorrow and then will work on getting it out to you. I'm hoping we can all arrange our schedules and perhaps have a rehearsal soon. A general read through would be great so questions about each character can be addressed.

I look forward to working with this bunch.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Still looking for a few cast members

Hey guys. I'm still searching for some talent. I need to fill the roles of Mike, Jake (the killer), Kathy, Mr. Canton and possibly Old Man Connors though I might have an actor interested in that role. So spread the word and the word being, I need some actors/actresses.

I extended offers to several individuals earlier this afternoon and am waiting to hear back. I haven't nailed down a location yet but have a strong lead. I hope to shoot this thing on the days of March 3, 4, and 5th. The weather must cooperate, as do a few other factors. We will get this shot before spring regardless but I'd like to get it into post by summer so I can begin entering film festivals.

Soon I will begin my online fundraising campaign. Some money has been secured but a lot will depend on the success of this online effort. I would like to pay everyone more than I have offered thus far but that depends on the campaign. In this economy who knows but I am always optimistic. And as I've said before, whether I achieve my ultimate goal regarding budget or not, the movie will be made. That's a fact. Money or the lack of, has never stopped me before and it won't stop me this time.

I look forward to working with what looks like the makings of a very talented cast and crew. I have been blessed to meet some wonderful people thus far as I step toward my next production.

It feels good.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Home from auditions

I'm home from the auditions feeling really great about what I saw and heard. Didn't have the turn out I expected but it was what I should have expected.

I think I will be able to cast about 7 of the 10 or so roles available for Devil's Vein.

I will review the 3 individuals who sent demo reels in place of bodies because they were unable to attend to see if I want to meet up with them.

Just a note to all who wanted the opportunity to be cast but didn't show or call or email to let me know they couldn't make it. I think you missed out on a really cool project. I'm somewhat disheartened by the fact you couldn't at least call or email saying you wouldn't make it. Anyway, I wish you the best in your acting pursuits in other productions.

I have filled all but one of my crew positions.

I'm very excited about this project. Soon I will begin my online money-raising campaign which will not dictate whether I make the movie or not, simply how elaborate I can get and how much I can pay my actors and crew. The movie will be made. Period. And it will be good. And I think it will make it into numerous film festivals - which I will also be raising money for since they can cost up to $60 a pop.

I will review footage of today's auditions and soon offer roles to selected actors/actresses. At that time, they can accept or decline. If all accept, then I will only have one female role left and that is the role of Kathy, who has very little dialogue, mostly screams. She is a ghost and is in at least one flashback.

I think I will have the role of Mike to fill after this audition, filling the roles of Josh and Dagger, if the actors accept.

Old man Conners will be offered to someone, as will the role of Mr. Canton.

So as it stands at the moment, if everyone accepts the role I offer them, I am left with casting the male roles of Jake, Mike and the landowner and Elizabeth for the female roles.

Okay. Well. I had the worst headache of my life during the auditions so I'm going to bed soon with an ice pack. Thank you for all the actors of crew who showed up today. It is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for tuning me in and not out.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tomorrow, December 5th, is audition day!

Tomorrow is audition day. Hope to see crew potentials from 2:30-4:00 & actors starting at 4.

If you haven't tried this great little restaurant please be sure to give it a whirl tomorrow while you are there. I would appreciate it, they would appreciate it, and you will think it's yummy.

See ya then.