Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Devil's Vein team grows!

I am still seeking potential cast members to fill roles mentioned in previous post. Please spread the word.

All of the talent that I asked to be in Devil's Vein have accepted my offer to be in the movie. I am so very blessed and excited to have each of them on this production. To be successful at an independent movie, you have to have a group of individuals who are team players and I believe I thus far have just that. Each seems to have a genuine love of independent movie-making and not just a dabble approach as I call it, you know, someone who thinks it would be 'cool' to be in a movie but then freaks when they realize that it is actually work and run back to the grind of punching some time clock. Hard work, indeed. Filming the first week of March in North Carolina will be challenging. It will be cold, potentially raining or sleeting or snowing. Who knows. But it will be endless fun. I get so pumped when I think of jumping into the principal photography and working at a feverish pace for 3 long days with a group of talented and beautiful individuals who strive toward that collaborative goal. It's a rush. And in the end, it is so freaking rewarding, when you hold that DVD in your hand.

And then comes the loneliness of editing. God, I always get so depressed when the cast and crew split and I'm left alone with my Mac. Editing is a direct contrast to the principal photography, where the sense of camaraderie is overwhelming on a production like this. But then I get in a groove and get intoxicated by the process. From A to Z, it's a wonderful journey. I wouldn't change a thing.

Thanks to all who have committed. I want to read though the script one more time tomorrow and then will work on getting it out to you. I'm hoping we can all arrange our schedules and perhaps have a rehearsal soon. A general read through would be great so questions about each character can be addressed.

I look forward to working with this bunch.

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