Monday, December 19, 2011

Still looking for a few cast members

Hey guys. I'm still searching for some talent. I need to fill the roles of Mike, Jake (the killer), Kathy, Mr. Canton and possibly Old Man Connors though I might have an actor interested in that role. So spread the word and the word being, I need some actors/actresses.

I extended offers to several individuals earlier this afternoon and am waiting to hear back. I haven't nailed down a location yet but have a strong lead. I hope to shoot this thing on the days of March 3, 4, and 5th. The weather must cooperate, as do a few other factors. We will get this shot before spring regardless but I'd like to get it into post by summer so I can begin entering film festivals.

Soon I will begin my online fundraising campaign. Some money has been secured but a lot will depend on the success of this online effort. I would like to pay everyone more than I have offered thus far but that depends on the campaign. In this economy who knows but I am always optimistic. And as I've said before, whether I achieve my ultimate goal regarding budget or not, the movie will be made. That's a fact. Money or the lack of, has never stopped me before and it won't stop me this time.

I look forward to working with what looks like the makings of a very talented cast and crew. I have been blessed to meet some wonderful people thus far as I step toward my next production.

It feels good.

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