Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The beat goes on...

I have asked for video auditions from several actresses. It's necessary to fill two female roles before we can move forward. A rehearsal is planned at the end of January and I'd like to have the cast locked by then. I am so excited by this cast and crew. This team has more depth and experience that previous teams and come March 3, we will get off to a running start with a long, fun day of filming.

I have tested some shots in a tent I set up in our front yard, concentrating on lighting and positioning of actors. Anything that I can figure out beforehand is a minute saved and a minute saved times many might make the difference between completing principle photography in three days or having to extend the shoot another day or two to whenever everyone can synchronize their schedules. The latter is certainly not a preference.

I am still acquiring props. I will soon have to purchase clothing for the cast, two sets for anyone requiring a stunt dummy double. That could be tricky and expensive. We'll see. There's so much to do but so little time to do it. I need 16 hands and 50 hours in a day. But...

Making an independent movie is not for the weak in knees, heart and spirit. It is grueling hard work but fun and rewarding.

Whatever happens, it'll be okay. This is after all, independent filmmaking. And I embrace every challenge with enthusiasm. At the end of each long, sleepless night filled with worry and anxiety, a new day begins and in that new day there is opportunity and where there is opportunity there is hope.

I can accept that. Wholeheartedly.

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