Saturday, January 21, 2012

Productive meeting...

Today I met with my Production Manager, Terry Nickelson, regarding the Devil's Vein production. It proved to be very productive couple of hours. We discussed the inroads that will lead to day one of principle photography. We determined that a rehearsal or two will have to be attended by all cast members in order to bring the proper preparation to the set on day 1. There is too much at stake to gamble that everyone is on the same page. We have to be on the same page by day 1 or we will grind through the production like the gears in a rusty grandfather clock.

I was faced with some tough decisions this week regarding my cast but feel confident that the correct decisions were made on all accounts. I still have one of the leading roles to cast and two minor roles. I am reviewing video auditions from prospective cast members and will decide early in the week who I want to meet face to face.

I'd like to narrow and nail down the location this week and begin capturing some test footage at the site. We might even shoot some movie footage before March 3, B-roll footage and the like. At any rate we are moving forward. If you are reading this please forward it to your family and friends, let everyone know about this project. Refer them to our website. Get them excited. Join our team. 

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