Thursday, October 13, 2011

A possible February shoot?

This evening I had to cancel my ad searching from crew members for my upcoming horror production because I had gotten so much response. I've yet had the time to answer everyone's email so please be patient if it takes a few days. I truly wasn't expecting to generate this amount of interest.

I plan to pick my cast by the end of November. I've decided not to rush this thing because I think it can be big if done properly. I want to test my special effects and get them right. I hate corny-looking special effects and prefer to brandish as much realism in the movie as possible. On a small budget it might be difficult but we'll see what I can do.

Once a cast is chosen and the ink is dry on the contracts ensuring me of their warm bodies for the 3 days that I need them, I will break the script down into shots, etc. In a day or two I will move into revision mode and go through 2 or 3 revisions of the script before releasing it in its entirety to the cast and crew.

I've asked a good friend to join me with this production and he has indicated that February might be the earliest he would be able to make the trip to North Carolina. I'm contemplating the pros and cons of waiting this long to begin production but it would allow me to work on raising funding and experimenting with the special effects. I'd really like to have him on the set so what was originally a December shoot might become a February shoot. Such is the life of independent filmmaking. I love it. This will simply give everyone time to clear their schedules for the days I need them. More on this topic when I've made a decision.

Tonight I'm about to fix myself a hot cup of tea and get on with the script. I'm already tired so I probably won't be up past 1 am tonight.

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