Saturday, October 1, 2011

Production Update

I'm still looking at various locations for the production. A closed campground with an open field near some woods would be ideal. Or someone with acreage and a clearing, preferably away from neighbors a bit so when we start killing off the cast, the boys-in-blue won't come calling, though it would be great for the behind-the-scenes segment. Maybe not. Anyway, I've got a couple of leads I'm working on, but if anyone has a connection then please connect me.

Spoke with my cinematographer recently regarding cameras. I think we will shoot primarily on the Panasonic HPX-170 HD Camera at 24fps. I will also capture footage with a DXV100a and a 16mm film camera for select shots. I am deciding between lighting the night or shooting day for night. I think the final budget will determine between the two, shooting at night being my goal if the money is raised to secure proper equipment for such an endeavor. Either way, this is going to be a fun production that has a lot of potential since the horror independent film market is, if not the top market, one of the top market genres in the industry. Many, many horror film festivals to choose from.

Just got my email link working for this blog. Didn't realize until a few minutes ago that no one has been able to email me through this blog because I didn't verify my email account. Well, it's done now. Sorry, guys, my bad on that one.

I'm really excited about this production. It is a prequel project of sorts, setting the tone and laying groundwork with a new crew, etc, before we jump into a 2-week production for a zombie movie I plan to produce early next year. I hope to meet a lot of talented actors and crew. Don't hold back, if you ever wanted to get involved, now is the time, and I'm the director because I'm easy-going and will get you through whatever the script calls for if you put your trust in me as I will you. It really is that simple. Hey, thanks for looking. I appreciate you.

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