Saturday, December 31, 2011

Props & stuff

Got an awesome machete/sickle today. I definitely think you'd feel somewhat insecure if you were in the woods and someone was stalking you with it with the intent of separating your head from the rest of your body.  I can't wait to bloody it up.

Got a couple more supporters locally but nothing more online. I noticed that most of the horror online are only raising between $200-$400 of their goals. Ouch. Is the economy really that bad? I'll be glad when the holidays are behind us. Near is the time when everyone who says they want to be part the project will have to take it seriously or step off. I'm moving forward. I only want serious individuals involved.

Thus far we have enjoyed a mild winter, perhaps it will remain that way for the rest of the season with only occasional blasts of winter. This week I will check out the campground where we plan to shoot to see if it meets our needs.

I'm about 99% certain that I have filled all roles but one - the ghostly girl. I have a couple of reels to watch and about 3 YouTube videos sent to me before I make final decisions. Tonight I'm chilling with pizza, popcorn, and an independent movie.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Products for sell on IndieGoGo & Ebay to help out Devil's Vein

In addition to the individuals who have purchased credits in our horror movie locally, I have also listed our movie on Ebay and have sold an associate producer credit there and expect many more sells. Our IndieGoGo has yet to produce anyone but that doesn't concern me much. It will happen. We need some momentum and I think we will pick up steam after the holidays. Anyone reading this please take the time to email friends, family, business owners you might know, Facebook it, Twitter it, etc. The more it is spread around, the buzzier the buzz.

If you want to have a cool end credit in this movie follow the link below and for $30 you get a copy of the completed movie on DVD and an associate producer credit.

If you want other options and/or perks visit and you will find great perks such T-shirts, movies, posters, various  credits, certificates, and more.

Don't feel shy about asking someone to contribute. They are getting some great things in return.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Scripts Sent

I posted something along these lines in our FB group but I'll pass it along to those of you who have yet to join or don't use FB. In part: I will go over it a time or two more but no major changes. I prefer you get comfortable with it in a general sense without memorizing it, more of a general context performance as opposed to a literal one. If there's typos forgive me. Thanks.

I still need to fill a few roles. Without at least the role of Mike filled I see no purpose in having a rehearsal as a couple of you mentioned so I am working on casting that very important role and hope to do so soon.

Another thing I will need from my cast is sizes of various attire: shirts, jeans, coats, shoes. Especially in the cases where things get bloody with your character .

That's about it. Merry Christmas.

Scripts go out today.

Today I will email scripts out then take off a few days to celebrate Christmas with the family. On Monday I will get back to business. I now have to break the script down into a shooting script and compile my prop list so I can start buying what I need. I've already begun experimenting with shots that require special effects and blood. I won't go the CGI route. Never really cared for CGI. I will however determine which shots I can put off until after the 3-day shoot. Some shots, especially close-ups, and shots with stunt dummy doubles, can be acquired long after the actors have gone home and moved on to other projects. That way I don't have to spend a lot of time trying to get a particular shot right.

I'm excited about delving right in and getting this thing done. I think after we get over the end of the year hump, the new year will flash by at the blink of an eye so production day will arrive quickly. There's a lot to do. Lots of preparation. So much fun.

Okay, I have a few presents to wrap.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Live on IndieGoGo!

Hey guys. We are live at IndieGoGO. Click here to view:

Help us out, check us out. It's a tough economy out there so we need some really great word-of-mouth to get this campaign going. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Devil's Vein team grows!

I am still seeking potential cast members to fill roles mentioned in previous post. Please spread the word.

All of the talent that I asked to be in Devil's Vein have accepted my offer to be in the movie. I am so very blessed and excited to have each of them on this production. To be successful at an independent movie, you have to have a group of individuals who are team players and I believe I thus far have just that. Each seems to have a genuine love of independent movie-making and not just a dabble approach as I call it, you know, someone who thinks it would be 'cool' to be in a movie but then freaks when they realize that it is actually work and run back to the grind of punching some time clock. Hard work, indeed. Filming the first week of March in North Carolina will be challenging. It will be cold, potentially raining or sleeting or snowing. Who knows. But it will be endless fun. I get so pumped when I think of jumping into the principal photography and working at a feverish pace for 3 long days with a group of talented and beautiful individuals who strive toward that collaborative goal. It's a rush. And in the end, it is so freaking rewarding, when you hold that DVD in your hand.

And then comes the loneliness of editing. God, I always get so depressed when the cast and crew split and I'm left alone with my Mac. Editing is a direct contrast to the principal photography, where the sense of camaraderie is overwhelming on a production like this. But then I get in a groove and get intoxicated by the process. From A to Z, it's a wonderful journey. I wouldn't change a thing.

Thanks to all who have committed. I want to read though the script one more time tomorrow and then will work on getting it out to you. I'm hoping we can all arrange our schedules and perhaps have a rehearsal soon. A general read through would be great so questions about each character can be addressed.

I look forward to working with this bunch.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Still looking for a few cast members

Hey guys. I'm still searching for some talent. I need to fill the roles of Mike, Jake (the killer), Kathy, Mr. Canton and possibly Old Man Connors though I might have an actor interested in that role. So spread the word and the word being, I need some actors/actresses.

I extended offers to several individuals earlier this afternoon and am waiting to hear back. I haven't nailed down a location yet but have a strong lead. I hope to shoot this thing on the days of March 3, 4, and 5th. The weather must cooperate, as do a few other factors. We will get this shot before spring regardless but I'd like to get it into post by summer so I can begin entering film festivals.

Soon I will begin my online fundraising campaign. Some money has been secured but a lot will depend on the success of this online effort. I would like to pay everyone more than I have offered thus far but that depends on the campaign. In this economy who knows but I am always optimistic. And as I've said before, whether I achieve my ultimate goal regarding budget or not, the movie will be made. That's a fact. Money or the lack of, has never stopped me before and it won't stop me this time.

I look forward to working with what looks like the makings of a very talented cast and crew. I have been blessed to meet some wonderful people thus far as I step toward my next production.

It feels good.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Home from auditions

I'm home from the auditions feeling really great about what I saw and heard. Didn't have the turn out I expected but it was what I should have expected.

I think I will be able to cast about 7 of the 10 or so roles available for Devil's Vein.

I will review the 3 individuals who sent demo reels in place of bodies because they were unable to attend to see if I want to meet up with them.

Just a note to all who wanted the opportunity to be cast but didn't show or call or email to let me know they couldn't make it. I think you missed out on a really cool project. I'm somewhat disheartened by the fact you couldn't at least call or email saying you wouldn't make it. Anyway, I wish you the best in your acting pursuits in other productions.

I have filled all but one of my crew positions.

I'm very excited about this project. Soon I will begin my online money-raising campaign which will not dictate whether I make the movie or not, simply how elaborate I can get and how much I can pay my actors and crew. The movie will be made. Period. And it will be good. And I think it will make it into numerous film festivals - which I will also be raising money for since they can cost up to $60 a pop.

I will review footage of today's auditions and soon offer roles to selected actors/actresses. At that time, they can accept or decline. If all accept, then I will only have one female role left and that is the role of Kathy, who has very little dialogue, mostly screams. She is a ghost and is in at least one flashback.

I think I will have the role of Mike to fill after this audition, filling the roles of Josh and Dagger, if the actors accept.

Old man Conners will be offered to someone, as will the role of Mr. Canton.

So as it stands at the moment, if everyone accepts the role I offer them, I am left with casting the male roles of Jake, Mike and the landowner and Elizabeth for the female roles.

Okay. Well. I had the worst headache of my life during the auditions so I'm going to bed soon with an ice pack. Thank you for all the actors of crew who showed up today. It is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for tuning me in and not out.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tomorrow, December 5th, is audition day!

Tomorrow is audition day. Hope to see crew potentials from 2:30-4:00 & actors starting at 4.

If you haven't tried this great little restaurant please be sure to give it a whirl tomorrow while you are there. I would appreciate it, they would appreciate it, and you will think it's yummy.

See ya then.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Here come the auditions...

Hello actors.

Auditions are sneaking up on us. I look forward to meeting you between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm on Monday, December 5.

Remember: Be natural. Deliver strong performance and HONOR silence when needed. Don't rush dialogue. Don't become the character as much as you allow the character to become you. Improvise dialogue if it helps deliver the best performance, just as long as it doesn't alter the response needed from the actor across from you. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing how each of you interpret the character you choose. I will cast who I feel is the most natural actors. If more deliver awesome dialogue than needed for this production, I will then resort to other criteria such as appearance, mannerisms, etc to make my final choices.

I look forward also to meeting potential crew members. I will be available from 2:30 until 4:00 on the afternoon of the auditions to meet and chat with you. Thanks for making plans to come out.

Let's get this horror flick done.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Auditions: Devil's Vein: Monday, December 5, 4-8pm

Check an earlier post for exact time and location of audition.

If you are auditioning for a role not included in the sides I sent out to potential cast members please just choose an actor, learn the dialogue and we'll go from there. It's not so much as who you wanna be at this point, it's how well you can deliver natural, believable dialogue. I will have a form to fill out on the night of the audition asking you to list your preferences in order that you would like to be considered. The more characters you choose, the better the odds you will land a role.

Don't forget, the role of Kathy has no dialogue at the moment but definitely a scream or two.

Even if you are would like to be considered for the role of Old Man Conners or Mr. Canton, please learn the dialogue of one of the other actors so I can see how you deliver the lines.

The role of Jake has very little dialogue. Again, please learn the lines of an actor I sent to all potential cast members.

At the moment I am leaning toward an early February shoot but that isn't carved in stone yet. I will know by audition evening of the exact shoot dates, bar a blizzard, of course.

I will post more as we go along. Stay tuned. Remember also that I need a boom holder and a general PA if you know of anyone interested in helping out and having a little fun.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Contacting Talent...

I will try to mail out script sides tomorrow to all interested cast potentials. Kind of organized my email today and placed all inquiries into their appropriate folder, etc. I struggled some today as I recollected a few things regarding my mother's passing. It was a high-low-low-high kind of day but I squeaked in a little creativity here and there and enjoyed several cups of coffee at two separate venues.

Auditions are creeping up on us, as is the production itself.

Gotta get it in gear.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Auditions: Devil's Vein

Auditions will be held from 4-8 pm, Monday, December 5, 2011, at French Fryz Restaurant in Arden at 2109 Hendersonville Rd. I plan to fill all roles from this audition. This is plenty of time for everyone to set aside 30 minutes or so and head out to a really cool restaurant, perhaps gets a bite to eat, go over your lines, and then audition. We will hold the actual audition in a private room within the restaurant.

In the following few days I will email out a few pages of the script to those who have contacted me interested in a role in this horror movie.

French Fryz is located near the intersection of Hendersonville Rd and Long Shoals. Driving from Asheville it is on the right side of the road. They serve one of the best hamburgers in the Asheville area and unbelievable milkshakes. Scout them out ahead of time and find out for yourself.

If you have further questions email me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Thanks for being patient during the most trying time of my life. After 2-weeks in the hospital my mother passed away 2 days ago. I love her with all my heart. She is missed so much. She helped so many people during her lifetime. I am grateful to her for all she taught me over the years. She always put herself second when it came to her loved ones. She would not want me to grieve though it is impossible not to. But I get some comfort knowing that she lives. I love you mother.

With that said I plan to honor her wishes by trying to get things rolling around Blue Volcano Productions.

I will email all you soon.

I deleted my old Facebook account and now have a new one. Please join me at

Hope to set up auditions and meetings soon.

Take care

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Personal situation

I'll be brief. There is an ongoing family situation that demands most of my waking hours. I have set aside everything for a couple of weeks, at least, to deal with it. I hope to shoot this horror movie in February. I will get back on the emails as soon as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Please be patient...

I have not yet had time to answer all the inquiries I've gotten regarding Devil's Vein, Blue Volcano Productions next horror shoot. I've had a lot of non-movie-making things to take care of the past few days so please bear with me. That goes for cast & crew prospects. I'm thinking that if all goes half-way as expected I might begin the process of answering the emails tomorrow.

If you are one of the actors/actresses who have not sent me a head-shot and body-shot, please do so. I won't bother sending you any dialogue without those photos. Thanks everyone who has responded. You are all appreciated.

I'll keep it short this evening.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A possible February shoot?

This evening I had to cancel my ad searching from crew members for my upcoming horror production because I had gotten so much response. I've yet had the time to answer everyone's email so please be patient if it takes a few days. I truly wasn't expecting to generate this amount of interest.

I plan to pick my cast by the end of November. I've decided not to rush this thing because I think it can be big if done properly. I want to test my special effects and get them right. I hate corny-looking special effects and prefer to brandish as much realism in the movie as possible. On a small budget it might be difficult but we'll see what I can do.

Once a cast is chosen and the ink is dry on the contracts ensuring me of their warm bodies for the 3 days that I need them, I will break the script down into shots, etc. In a day or two I will move into revision mode and go through 2 or 3 revisions of the script before releasing it in its entirety to the cast and crew.

I've asked a good friend to join me with this production and he has indicated that February might be the earliest he would be able to make the trip to North Carolina. I'm contemplating the pros and cons of waiting this long to begin production but it would allow me to work on raising funding and experimenting with the special effects. I'd really like to have him on the set so what was originally a December shoot might become a February shoot. Such is the life of independent filmmaking. I love it. This will simply give everyone time to clear their schedules for the days I need them. More on this topic when I've made a decision.

Tonight I'm about to fix myself a hot cup of tea and get on with the script. I'm already tired so I probably won't be up past 1 am tonight.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome new crew, looking for others

I want to welcome Erik to the team. Thanks for meeting up with me today in Asheville. You are a great addition to the crew.

I am still open to one or two more individuals.

However, a note to any interested parties - if you say you are going to meet me then meet me. If you cancel on a commitment to meet with me for a mere few minutes, how can I trust that you will show up for 3-4 days in a row? Answer: I can't and I won't. That goes for cast or crew. I don't play games. You know upfront what you are getting and I want to know what I am getting. There are too many dependable individuals out there like Erik to choose from to play games. Period.

With that said, I am building enthusiasm for this project like never before. My first movie took nearly a year to complete, shooting off and on trying to accommodate all schedules. Never again. My second movie was a lot of fun and it too was challenging in that most of the production was shot in 3 days but then I had only 1 main character and 2 supporting characters. This horror movie will have much more depth and breadth. What is common throughout my experiences as a filmmaker is that you always leave knowing that you have made lifetime friends. It's awesome. I would do anything in my power for those who have participated in my projects, not as payback for their help but because of the kinship formed during production. It is a family atmosphere.  

I need to respond to 6 more individuals who want to help out on this production. I wish I could say yes to each of them who have great personalities and attitudes but I can't. I just can't afford to say yes to everyone. So what I'm looking at more than anything is attitude. A great attitude goes further with me than a great resume. I can train someone with a great attitude but I can't give a great attitude to someone who has trained skills but lacks a great attitude.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Plethora of talent appears

I finally feel as though I indeed won't die from this damn cold or whatever it was that has hounded me for days. I actually feel human again. Ah, to feel human again when one is not. Anyway, I even scheduled a couple of meetings for tomorrow. Some great prospects came in today for cast and crew. I'm eager to meet with this talent. I really feel positive about recent turn-of-events that have lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders. I feel as though I can go headfirst into this production and wrap it up a few days later with what I need to edit together a great horror movie. I'm very excited and part of that excitement comes from meeting new talented individuals.

For all those actors/actresses who have contacted me, I will soon email a couple of pages of the script to you so you can learn the dialogue. I don't need to hear a lot to know if you are the one of not to be cast in a particular role. I need to find a location in Asheville that will let me hold a very informal audition. I will give at least a 2-week notice so you can prepare and clear your schedule for that brief time. I feel if you can't accommodate me at this time, you probably won't be able to accommodate me for 3 days of production. Anyway, I appreciate your interest.

That's about it for tonight. Thanks and good night.

Script nearing completion

Though still feeling a little under the weather, I managed to work on my script for quite a while over the past two days. Funny how the characters seem to write the script and not me. A few scenes have been changed because they didn't feel right when I got to them. I am now comfortable that the story has become all it can be.

As stated in an earlier post, I may have to postpone the production to January or February if all my cards don't align. I will possibly need two additional crew members, a boom person and a production assistant. These two positions are a must before I set a definitive date to shoot. All else will fall into place. Though I'm happy to receive more portfolios and resumes I am confident that I can now fill my cast from the ones already received.

Today I plan to write more on my script and indulge in good coffee products.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

So how much is 10-15 seconds worth?

Just watched an interesting film on YouTube for free entitled The Breakup Artist, 2004. It lists Ed Burns of Looking for Kitty, Brothers McMullen, and She's the One fame to name but a few. I like Ed Burns. He made his first movie, I think it was Brother's McMullen, for about $25,000 in NY and it was awesome in my opinion. I bring this up because he had a 10 second or so clip in the movie and maybe a line or two and that was it, yet his name was listed in the main credits to, of course, capitalize on his name. So I wonder how much Ed got for his brief role in The Breakup Artist (2004) - There are numerous movies of the same or similar titles. Regis Phibin or whatever his name is also made a brief appearance in the movie though his time was far longer on screen than Ed's. Hey Ed - come to Asheville. I might even give you a company T-shirt.

Horror: What better genre for independent film?

Yes. Horror. Many close to me have asked why horror? Well, why not horror? Horror is perhaps the best genre to gain recognition in the low-budget independent movie industry. And when I say low-budget I really mean no-budget, as in 4-figures or whatever, not a 7-figure low-budget as many low-budget filmmakers are accustomed to. The genre has multitudes of film festivals designed especially for the genre unlike other festivals that accept literally anything with the exception of porn.

And of course the genre has gazillions of followers.

If I wanted to make a Disney-type G-rated fluff movie I would have written a Disney-type G-rated fluff script. I did not. I actually love good horror. Making one for practically nothing is challenging to say the least but I am always up for a challenge. The movie will contain harsh language, attempted rape, and many grisly murders.

I have nothing to say that is life-changing or profound in this movie. It is for entertainment. Period. No message. No pulpit moment. Just entertainment.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Time to call it a night?

Is it time to call it a night, if during a test shot of a scene, a stunt-dummy you plan to use for your upcoming movie doesn't cooperate - and you find yourself calling her, I mean it, derogatory names as if she, I mean it, was a real person that you despise?


Good night.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Co-Producer level of support

I have added a Co-Producer level of support on the 'Get Involved' page. The perks listed come with a $500 support donation. And, of course, I will love you forever :)

I'm going to eat some chips & salsa, drink a hot apple cider with black pepper, cinnamon & cayenne pepper and watch an episode or two of The Mary Tyler Moore Show with my wife. Sounds awesome. One of my favorite things in life - an episode of good old television, snacks, and a quiet evening with her.

Tomorrow I hope to feel at least 95% so I can tackle a few things involving the production.

I am going to need 3 tents, a bow with arrows, a machete, various camo clothing and/or military fatigue kind of clothing, and some miscellaneous lumber for a large sign. If anyone has any of this sitting around give me a holler. However, the tents might suffer a bit of damage so be forewarned and don't dig the one out of your 'End of Times' stash.

With that said, thank you for spending time out of your life to read this blog. If anyone ever wants to meet over in Asheville for a cup of coffee and movie production related things, I am over there about once a week. And don't worry, I won't bring the machete or bow. Ah, but I don't have them yet, do I?

Take care. Good night.

Blasted Fever

Last night I had a relapse with the whole fever thing. My throat is so sore that my mother didn't recognize my voice when I called to tell her I couldn't drop by today. Only now at around 2 is it starting to let up. Anyway it doesn't look like much is going to get accomplished today.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Short Update

I just changed a few things on the cast breakdown page. Check it out. I'll try to get more detailed with my needs as I'm aware of them. I'm thinking about trying a fundraising campaign on IndieGoGo and Kickstarter. I'll see how long the campaigns run for and if I have to shoot in January instead of December, I will. I'd prefer to shoot in December. Makes no difference at this point, no cast is set in stone. Still perusing the resumes and photos that's been emailed to me.  It depends on the funding. It's always about the money.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. I've been sick so I haven't made a lot of progress the past 2 days. When I find out anything I'll let you know.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Production Update

I'm still looking at various locations for the production. A closed campground with an open field near some woods would be ideal. Or someone with acreage and a clearing, preferably away from neighbors a bit so when we start killing off the cast, the boys-in-blue won't come calling, though it would be great for the behind-the-scenes segment. Maybe not. Anyway, I've got a couple of leads I'm working on, but if anyone has a connection then please connect me.

Spoke with my cinematographer recently regarding cameras. I think we will shoot primarily on the Panasonic HPX-170 HD Camera at 24fps. I will also capture footage with a DXV100a and a 16mm film camera for select shots. I am deciding between lighting the night or shooting day for night. I think the final budget will determine between the two, shooting at night being my goal if the money is raised to secure proper equipment for such an endeavor. Either way, this is going to be a fun production that has a lot of potential since the horror independent film market is, if not the top market, one of the top market genres in the industry. Many, many horror film festivals to choose from.

Just got my email link working for this blog. Didn't realize until a few minutes ago that no one has been able to email me through this blog because I didn't verify my email account. Well, it's done now. Sorry, guys, my bad on that one.

I'm really excited about this production. It is a prequel project of sorts, setting the tone and laying groundwork with a new crew, etc, before we jump into a 2-week production for a zombie movie I plan to produce early next year. I hope to meet a lot of talented actors and crew. Don't hold back, if you ever wanted to get involved, now is the time, and I'm the director because I'm easy-going and will get you through whatever the script calls for if you put your trust in me as I will you. It really is that simple. Hey, thanks for looking. I appreciate you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In the beginning...

I am preparing for a 3-consecutive-day horror shoot for the early part of December 2011. It will be set in a rural campground environment, though the actual filming will probably not be rural. If interested, check out my cast needs on the cast breakdown page. You don't have to have experience but you do have to sound natural when delivering the lines. You have to be a fun, good-natured person who can follow instructions from the director. This is my 3rd production so rest assured that it will be completed, not a start-up and fail like many low-budget independent movie productions. I am a serious filmmaker. Though I prefer those interested in the creative outlet first and foremost, I do offer minimal pay as stated on CL. Email some good shots of yourself with a short bio. I do not share specific plot points with interested actors so please afford me the same courtesy that a Hollywood casting agent would be given when seeking actors with no name recognition by not asking. I will gladly share that information upon your successful audition. At that time I answer all questions concerning you before you make a decision to join my production family. Thanks for checking it out. I expect this to be a fun experience for all involved.